These are the result of a productive afternoon and evening's work.
Various 250 variants, all by Cromwell models. I've more sdkfz250s from Milicast to add to these. In terms of size the two makes go together very well (it looks like their running gear might share similar ancestry). Both manufacturers kits are very nice but there are some slightly curios ommisions from both. The Cromwell kits all lack the second MG for the rear, and the Milicast kits don't have the interior stowage cabinet. None of this is really a problem, and they both produce some really nice wargaming recce for my Germans.
Three of these (the 250/01, 250/8 and 250/9) are nearly at the stage where they will get decals and be based. So far they've had base-coats of various camoflage, filtering, pin-linning, shading and chipping etc. and I'm working on the interiors.
At some point they will get themselves crews, but in the meantime I'm trying to get the vehicles themselves ready for Wednesdays game. Things are looking tight for that ...